The tables below list all of the divisors of the numbers 1 to 1000.
A divisor of an integer n is an integer m, for which n/m is again an integer (which is necessarily also a divisor of n). For example, 3 is a divisor of 21, since 21/7 = 3 (and 7 is also a divisor of 21).
If m is a divisor of n then so is -m. The tables below only list positive divisors.
Video Table of divisors
Key to the tables
- d(n) is the number of positive divisors of n, including 1 and n itself
- ?(n) is the sum of the positive divisors of n, including 1 and n itself
- s(n) is the sum of the proper divisors of n, which does not include n itself; that is, s(n) = ?(n) - n
- a perfect number equals the sum of its proper divisors; that is, s(n) = n
- a deficient number is greater than the sum of its proper divisors; that is, s(n) < n
- an abundant number is lesser than the sum of its proper divisors; that is, s(n) > n
- a prime number has only 1 and itself as divisors; that is, d(n) = 2. Prime numbers are always deficient as s(n)=1
Maps Table of divisors
1 to 100
101 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
501 to 600
601 to 700
701 to 800
801 to 900
901 to 1000
External links
- OEIS sequence A027750 (Triangle read by rows in which row n lists the divisors of n)
Source of article : Wikipedia